Overview of common colors
Below is a graphic overview of the most common colors. We have these colors in stock. For your reference, you can stand on the color after which you can see the color name with the hex code. This way you can match the color with your graphics program.
If you would like to use a color not found below, please email us. We can order all available colors on the market and use them for you.
Forest Green #519F61
Pastel Peanut #C29572
Army Blue #062B4D
Army Red #AC1A17
Muted Green #656D60
Fossil Grey #6F727E
Muted Blue #4E6A84
Army Dark Green #515234
Pastel Ice #95C5D3
Army Beige #CCA897
Army Brown #724E3D
Arctic Teal #5AABB1
Muted Red #DB3E14
Army Light Green #A78403
Sapphire Blue #005AA2
Muted White #AFA198
Muted Purple #7C5577
Lavender Purple #8A68B5
Wood Brown #AD7441
Lava Red #DE1619
Pastel Candy #DABCC8
Pastel Banana #F5CF6F
Cotton White #E6DDDB
Pastel Mint #BEC9A5
Earth Brown #623E2A
Sakura Pink #E0A8BB
Savannah Yellow #F0BE02
Pastel Peach #F2B67A
Pastel Watermelon #E93A3F
Charcoal Black #1C1C1C